Thursday, February 19, 2009

PDN Wedding Issue

We just got interviewed this week by PDN for their annual wedding edition. Photographic District News aka PDN is the premier photography magazine servicing the professional industry with up to date business and artistic trends, reviews plus social and political issues that affects the photographic community. So it was an honor for us to say the least. 

Although, this is not the first time that we have been mentioned on PDN. Back in 2000, our unique commercial portfolio caught the attention of PDN's editor and gave us a 3 1/2 page feature review on our work and creative approach with our little 4x5 portfolio size titled "Steven Lam Has a Tiny Portfolio".  And just recently back in May 2007, our photography was featured on PDN's Players through the beautiful portfolio design by the multi-talented Tolleson Design from San Francisco.

So stay tuned and cross your fingers that our interview will make it to the 2009 wedding issue pages.
